6 types of Negations of Grammarians
Grammarians classify Negation into six types:
1. तत़्सादृशम
3. तदन्यत्वम
4. तदल्पता
5. अपराशसतं
6. विरोधशच
1. तत़्सादृशम: Example is अब्राह्मण. अब्राह्मण is ब्राह्मणसदृश्य meaning similar to Brahman.
2.अभावसच: When we say घट: न we mean घटभाव.Pot not means absence of Pot.
3. तदन्यत्वम: अघट would mean घटभिन्न different from घट.
4. तदल्पता: अनुदरा कन्या would actually mean अल्पोदरा कन्या. A girl with no stomach actually means a girl with small stomach.
5. अपराशसतं: अपशव: अन्य would mean अप्रशस्ता अन्य. Domestic animals other than cow and horse is other animals.
6. विरोधशच: अधर्म: would mean धर्मविरोधीन.