Fallacy of Appeal to Emotions
Arguments that are supported by feelings rather than reasoning are fallacious.
Example: The Bench consisting of Justice Bobde refused to hand over the elephant to Mahout as he did not have documents to prove ownership or possession of the elephant. The Bench did not fall for the Appeal to Emotions of the Mahout when he stated, as per the petition, “…he and the elephant has a bonding of over ten years since 2008. Their friendship mushroomed to such an extent that ‘Lakshmi’ the elephant after some time totally refused to accept food, if not medicines from anybody other than the petitioner.”[1]
[1] SC Dismisses Mahout’s Habeas Corpus Plea For Release Of Elephant ‘Lakshmi’ As Withdrawn, available at https://www.livelaw.in/news-updates/sc-dismisses-mahouts-habeas-corpus-plea-for-release-of-elephant-lakshmi-as-withdrawn-151496 (last modified Jan 10, 2020)