Means of Knowing

There are mainly eight Indian Philosophical Schools. Each School has accepted only specific Means of Knowing for obtaining right knowledge. The Means of Knowing are known as Pramanas or Instruments. Given below is the list of Schools and the Pramanas accepted by them:

  1. Charvakas: Perception
  2. Mimamsakas: Verbal Testimony
  3. Vaisheshikas and Buddhist: Perception and Inference
  4. Samkhyas: Perception, Inference and Verbal Testimony
  5. Naiyayikas: Perception, Inference, Comparison and Verbal Testimony
  6. Prabhakaras: Perception, Inference, Comparison, Verbal Testimony and Supposition
  7. Bhattas and Vedantins: Perception, Inference, Comparison, Verbal Testimony, Supposition and Non-Existence
  8. Pauranikas: Perception, Inference, Comparison, Verbal Testimony, Supposition, Non-Existence, Probability and Tradition

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