Four types of reasoning
There are four types of reasoning: 1. Demonstration: When the propositions on which the arguments are based are true, it
There are four types of reasoning: 1. Demonstration: When the propositions on which the arguments are based are true, it
Grammarians classify Negation into six types: 1. तत़्सादृशम 2.अभावसच 3. तदन्यत्वम 4. तदल्पता 5. अपराशसतं 6. विरोधशच Explanation: 1. तत़्सादृशम:
Moonlight implies Sunlight Not Sunlight Therefore, Not Moonlight
Moonlight= Light Light= Sunlight Moonlight= Sunlight
Light of moon implies light of sun Light of moon Therefore, light of sun.
The source of Meaning of a Sentence There are multiple theories to explain how a meaning of a sentence is
The importance of Vrutti A word can have so many meanings. However, the meaning of a word is known through
Decoding the meaning of a sentence. शाब्द बोध प्रक्रिया Language maps Reality and is also intentional as per the Realists.
If you Bless me then I will let you go= Don`t Bless me OR Go
As per Tarkashastra, Defective Reasons (Hetvabhasa) are five (i) Straying (Savyabhichari hetu) (ii) Adverse (Viruddha) (iii) Antithetical (Satpratipaksha) (iv) Unestablished