6 types of Negations of Grammarians
Grammarians classify Negation into six types: 1. तत़्सादृशम 2.अभावसच 3. तदन्यत्वम 4. तदल्पता 5. अपराशसतं 6. विरोधशच Explanation: 1. तत़्सादृशम:
Grammarians classify Negation into six types: 1. तत़्सादृशम 2.अभावसच 3. तदन्यत्वम 4. तदल्पता 5. अपराशसतं 6. विरोधशच Explanation: 1. तत़्सादृशम:
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‘A propositions’ are Universal Affirmative Statements where the entire Subject category is contained in the category of the Predicate. For
Private and Public are mutually exclusive/ contradictory concepts. If it is Private, it cannot be Public and if it is